2C Thai Bistro & Spirits

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Tea Menu


1. Coconut Oolong                                              $4.25

Delicious. We blend high-grade Bao Zhong with lightly toasted coconut shavings

to create a wonderfully exotic palate-pleaser.

2. Silver Tip Jasmine (Organic)                       $4.00

Delicate organic green tea with a natural sweetness that is enhanced by the subtle

aroma of exotic Jasmine flowers.

3. Genmai Cha                                                     $4.00

Japanese blend of sencha and toasted brown rice often served in Sushi joints.

Genmai Cha is one of the more ancient blends of flavored tea, and provides

a pleasing nutty finish.

4. Strawberry Sencha                                        $4.00

Rich sencha leaf flavored with bits strawberry. Delicious and soothing as

a hot tea, sweet and light as an iced tea.

5. White Peony (Organic)                                  $4.00    

AKA Pai Mu Tan. Extraordinarily fresh tasting with a delicate, sweet, and

refreshing appeal. Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.

6. Ginger Peach                                                   $4.00

A black tea with bits of ginger and peach. Ginger is known for its ability

to ward off cold symptoms, improve circulation and ease the stomach.                

7. Masala Chai (Organic)                                   $4.00

A classic recipe consisting of black tea, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

A little spicy, a little sweet.

8. Superberry * (Organic)                                 $ 4.00

Organic wild herbal infusion containing copious amounts of vitamin C.

Blend of elderberries, currants, rose hips and hibiscus. A flavor-bonanza.

9. Cold Kicker *                                                   $4.25

(Echinacea, elderberry, elderflower, peppermint, red clover, rose hips, yarrow)

This is a great blend for beating a cold or clearing an infection. Drink

the Cold Kicker at the very first signs of a cold coming on. If the cold sets

in, continue with these herbs to help pull you through.

10. Love *                                                              $ 4.00

(Bee pollen, cacao, chicory, cinnamon, clove, damiana, greenbush, honey

 flavor, passionflower, rooibos, rose petals, vanilla extract) Love! It’s all you

need! This is a mild aphrodisiac with a sweet, flowery flavor combined with

cocoa and cloves.

11. Happiness *                                                    $4.00

(Tulsi, anise, skullcap, lemon verbena, greenbush, orange peel, vanilla,

tropical flavor) Need a little lift? The happiness tea is a soothing and uplifting

combination of herbs. It is useful for mild to moderate depression if taken

regularly for at least three weeks.

12. Clear Mind *                                                  $4.00

(Sage, rosemary, peppermint, gotu kola, eleuthero root, gingko) Clear Mind

brings calm, clarity, strength, and stamina to the mind. It supports yoga,

meditation, and deep intellectual practices.

13. Stress Less *                                                  $4.00

(Chamomile, gotu kola, lemon balm, lemon verbena, lemongrass, skullcap,

tulsi, stevia) Stress Less relaxes and repairs the nerves while bringing calm

and clarity to the mind.

14. After Dark *                                                   $4.00

A soothing and refreshing blend of herbs and blossoms. A little help

on your way to peaceful evening.                     

* Caffeine free

©2015 2CThai Bistro & Spirits